I would probably have told some of you about this event in my life. But I probably just told you briefly about it. So now I am going to give a more complete picture of it.
In order to achieve the King’s Scout Award, my peers and I had to pass the King’s Scout Code of Conduct. This ordeal consisted of an approximately 100km hike over a 5 day course. During these days, we would be evaluated on our physical & mental strength, character and perseverance. In this 5 days we would have to conduct research on places we walked past (such as historical places), do community service, endure the searing and unforgiving heat of the sun and look out for our peers. This event took place in and around the historical city of Melaka.
Much preparation was done leading up to this event such as gathering the appropriate items (we needed tents, stoves, raincoats, food, etc). The first day we left Pudu Bus Station for Melaka. When we arrived in Melaka, we were high in spirits (we would need this later on as we had a lot ahead of us).
My patrol, Patrol Bendahara.
I will now skip to the highlights of this journey to not bore the reader. During the first day, we walked past Dataran Sejarah (this is the place Tunku Abdul Rahman announced that Malaya will soon recieve her independence from the British).
The clock tower at Dataran Sejarah
After that, we were at the Melaka Zoo. One of our assignments was too find out the scientific names of 20 animals there (oh gee, exciting). It was here that Vineeta conveniently called her brother/sister at home to find out the answers online for our patrol. No, this is not cheating, it is using your brains to save time.
Some Rhinoceros and I. I would go in there to pinch them, but I might not have an ass left after.
After the zoo, we walked into a forrest reserve to spend the night. At the end of the day we walked approximately 18km. You might think "That is not that far...". Well, this is what we had to carry.
The amount of stuff we have to carry when we are hiking.
Walking into the forest reserve. I am at the most right with my cheap yellow RM5 bottle from Giant.
Inside those overstudffed bags are our change of clothes, raincoat, cooking equipment, maps, food, water, sleeping bag. Aside our bags, we needed to carry staffs. We also took turns to carry a tent. Walking so much after just one day, I was surprised we were still able to stand. 1 day done, 4 more days to go. Exhausted but not jaded, we took turns to shower in the not very fancy toilet in the forrest.
Melody and Emily. Being happy after their shower.
The next day we continued our hike. Highlights of the second day was Taman Mini Malaysia (a heritage site of Malaysia) and Fort A' Famosa. The downside was the same, heavy bags and the scorching heat.
Flag ceremony before we went on our way during the second day.
Vineeta and I.
Justin and I in front of a traditional Malay house.
Riding the bus was an extreme luxury allowed by our testers for one journey. Escaping the heat and resting our shoulders and legs.
Fort A' Famosa
The statue of Saint Francis Xavier
This statue has a very interesting tale to it. Notice that right hand of this statue is not in place. Story goes that when Saint Francis Xavier passed away he was briefly burried in Melaka. Specifically in St Paul's Church. The Vatican ordered that his right hand be detached from his body to determine whether he was a Saint. If the hand was still bleeding after a month, he would be canonized (proclaimed a Saint). This did happen and he was canonized on March 12, 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. Saint Fancis Xavier's incorrupt body (meaning it suffered little or no decompositon) is now at the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Goa. Now to the interesting part of the tale, some years later this statue was erected in honour of Saint Francis Xavier with its right hand in place. Just a few days later, a tree fell and broke this statue's right hand away. Yes, only it's right hand.
Now back to my story. Later in the second day, we were told we needed to walk to a far away beach called Pantai Puteri (it was far away indeed).
I was half dead when we were not even half way to the beach.
A picture taken while we were walking there.
When we finally arrived, we were asked to do some marching. We were tired, but we still marched darn well if you ask me.
We spent our second night camping on the beach. It was a good change of scenery for us.
Our bus ride on the third day.
Ming Hui and I walking through Jonker Street. I was kind enough to help him carry his pile of junk.
The third and fourth days went by relatively fast for us. The fourth night we attended an event which the Prime Minister and the King was present. It was a festival to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Some of us during the festival.
One of the Agong's cars. I said one because there were 10 other ones just like this. (Just a thought, why does the Agong go around in a Mercedes ? Shouldn't he be brought about in Proton Perdana ? If you get what I am getting at.)
The fifth and final day has finally arrived. Not a moment too soon. After some more hiking and research in Melaka, we departed Melaka for Pudu Raya, then to Petaling Jaya.
Still high in spirits after 4 days and about 90km later.
Mr Shaun Lim. After 5 days of walking with heavy packs, under the searing sun, it is no wonder most of us fell asleep on the bus home.
Jaric and I on the bus home. Surprisingly, we conversed all the way home instead of sleeping.
Kentrick and I with our scoutmaster, Sir Colin after the closing ceremony. Notice how dark we are compared to our scoutmaster. Fortunately this was in February, I had enough time to become fairer before I met my girlfriend-to-be in April.
All the participants of Petaling District's King's Scout Code of Conduct 2007.
If I were to tell you the whole story, it would be too long to tell. Most of you would not believe some of it anyway. Looking back, I was surprised I made it that far. There were so many instances where I just wanted to give up. More than half the time I just wanted to drop my bag, my everything and just go home. I cannot explain what kept me going. I am sure my peers felt the same way at least once during this journey. Somehow, we were able to find the strenght deep inside ourselves to overcome this challenge. Our spirit and perseverance, overcame the long hike, the blazing sun, our overweight bags and the lack of sleep for 5 days.